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Thursday, February 06, 2025

Hugo Frauenhof GmbH was founded in 1887 as tannery and bootleg factory.

Short time later the company started to build up a business with the wholesale of materials for shoemakers. This part developed very quickly to a technical wholesaler for industrial products which is until today one of our point of main effort together with the delivery of technical products for the environmental protection.

Since the retirement of one of the owners, who left the company, it is run since 1992 by Gottfried Osten and his family as a true family business.

The extensive product line includes mainly:

  • various types of hoses and fittings for all purposes
  • occupational safety and all kinds of work clothes
  • rubber materials
  • products for environmental protection technologies
  • products and systems for sewer and industrial cleaning
  • materials for sewer renovation
  • tools

But also the origin business developed successfully:

  • products for shoemakers
  • leather goods

A storehouse of nearly 2520 m² capacity guarantees, that Hugo Frauenhof GmbH can offer an extensive variety of products and quick delivery.

With its modern production facilities and now nearly 40 highly experienced employees, Hugo Frauenhof GmbH is today one of the leading companies of its kind and delivers its products all over the world.




Address: j.k Mladost 4 bl. 449, Sofia 1715, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 (0) 2 846 78 67

Fax.+359 (0) 2 876 16 95

Cell: +359 (0) 884 835 163

Cell: +359 (0) 885 666 309


